Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Daddy and Me Trip to the Nature Center

This is from Emily:

Daddy and me went to the Nature Center. I walked around and saw some deers. And when I was done I was seeing a big deer with bunny ears and with those horns. I was flying like a bird. When I got upstairs I was putting a scarf on my neck and then um I was taking on a walk I was looking at the squirrels. I saw squirrels. I looked at a microscope and saw fairy shrimp, I went fishing for fish. I was playing with um, I was playing with the fish and I caught a fish. I saw deer, owls, turkeys, snakes, lots of snakes. I took a picture of daddy flying a bird on top of hims head. I taked a picture. I was having fun. I was walking down the trail, theres a pond and then us turned around and then us went in the car and then us called gramma carol and then us went home. I had dinner. Thats it.
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1 comment:

Carol said...

Emily it sure sounds like you had a great day! You are a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful Daddy that would take you to such a fun place! I love how you look like a bird! Those are some big wings! Love, Gma