Monday, September 22, 2008

What has Halloween come to?

So Jeremy and I went to Pottery Barn to finish up our registry. While we were looking around, we ran across the following Halloween costume a "Certified Organic Banana" REALLY! How much convincing would you have to do to get your child to wear this? Emily wanted to be a Princess, the yellow princess (Belle), so Jer wanted to try and see if she would be the "Certified Organic Banana," so Emily tried it on just like her daddy asked her to, twirled around in it, looked down at what she was wearing, and then said, "But I wanted to be the yellow princess not the yellow banana." Well at least we tried! So if you want to try to get your kiddo to wear this costume it will cost you about $75 at Pottery Barn plus the amount in bribes you would have to give your child just so that they will walk around the neighborhood as a "Certified Organic Banana"

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1 comment:

Carol said...

My vote is for the "yellow princess" Belle! Banana Split anyone?