Wednesday, November 12, 2008

38 week update on Baby Jack

We went to see our Dr on Monday and things are moving along, SLOWLY! I am 2cm dialated and the baby is at 0 station (head is in my pelvis). She is estimating the baby to be about 9lbs right now and I have another Ultrasound tomorrow to see how big he actually is. I am hoping he comes soon so that I don't have to automatically have a C-Section. I do have to admit, he is going to have to come out one way or another :-)

I will update tomorrow after the ultrasound with how much our little Jumbo Jack weighs in at.

Oh by the way, I decided to make cookies yesterday called "Jump Start your Labor Cookies" just for fun (and maybe a little hopefull). They actually taste pretty good but I would leave out the cayenne pepper if I were to feed them to kids. Emily was not fond of them.

Jump-Start Your Labor Cookies

2 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 t. baking soda
3/4 t. cinnamon
1 t. ground ginger
1/2 t. ground cloves
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. cayenne pepper
8 T. butter
1/2 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. molasses
1/4 c. egg whites

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine flour, baking soda and spices and set aside. Cream the butter and sugars together. Add the molasses to the creamed butter then add the egg whites until combined. Add the dry ingredients slowly. Once incorporated, roll dough into 1 inch balls and place onto baking tray. Bake 8-10 minutes. Once cool eat as many as you can possibly stomach, lay down for a nap and wait for labor to begin!

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