Monday, July 27, 2009

My Little Man - 8 months

Here is what he has been up to:

Sits up for long periods of time.
Smiles all the time!
Runs around in his walker chasing Emily, Da-Da and Me!
Eats watermelon almost every day.
Eats plums like we eat apples.
Has two lower front teeth.
Has been testing those two front teeth.
Army crawls and rolls around the house.
Loves to get into my kitchen and take the tupperware and run away with it.
Eats all sorts of baby food but is more interested in what we are eating.
Pulls himself into a standing position using the coffee table, couch, crib, bath tub, anything he can reach.
Is starting to take shorter naps :-(
Is still such a wonderful little man!
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