Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jack's First Birthday

Our little man is 1 year old!
Time has gone by so fast. He is such a great little boy we are so blessed.

He can take about 5-6 steps at a time.
He loves to play monster and come screaming at you to "get you."
He still LOVES banana's (hence the Monkey nickname) and eats them every morning.
He lights up when his Sissy comes into the room.
He has a way with animals and isn't scared of any of them.
He is in bed at 6:30pm and wakes up about 7am but his naps are non-existant now.
He finally said "Momma" but it usually is when he is tired and whiny and wants something.
He can say Da-da, babble (bottle), dog, bana (banana), up, by-by (and wave), go, and no.
He knows the sign for more and when he is hungry he makes a silly sound by vibrating his lips together. It is better than screaming!
He loves pushing his Lighting McQueen car around and saying "vrrom vrrom"

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