Saturday, September 13, 2008

Diaper Cakes

My girlfriend is having a little girl so I made her a diaper cake. I have never made one before so I gathered up as much info off the net as I could. I thought it turned out super cute!

So here is what I made my cake out of:
3 - Dozen Newborn Diapers
8 - Gerber "Pink" Wash Cloths"
2 - Gerber "Pink and Green" Pacifiers
3 - Gerber "Pink Princess" Bibs
1 - Super Cute Monkey
Lots of Pink and Green Ribbon
White 2" Paper Ribbon

I wanted lots of ribbon on the cake and since it is a little girl, she can save the ribbon and use it on her hair when she gets older. Tell me what you think or if you have any ideas I can add to it!

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