Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Man Named Jack

When you go to name your child a lot of thought goes into it. Names that have stood out to you throughout the years tend to be front runners. People that you have met that have left a lasting impact in your life have an influence. You stay away from the "Bad Kid's" names that you remember from school or growing up. When Jeremy and I decided that we were going to add another little one to our family we started talking about names. Both of us had ideas of what we wanted, but we were both open minded to eachother's suggestions. We had a girl's name picked out and a boy's name picked out. We didn't tell anyone! We didn't want to hear the stories of "Oh I knew a "so and so" and he/she was...", or "I think you should name him/her..." So when we found out it was going to be a boy, we decided to share with our family. Jack L Hord (no "." after the "L"). It is a family name, the name of this handsome man that is in the pictures below. Jack is Jeremy's Grandad, he has been a major influence in Jeremy's life and is a wonderful man. From the first time I met him, I could tell he was a loving and caring man. Qualities that I would hope that my child would grow to have. Jack is very excited for "Little Jack" to come along. I bet he will be driving down from Oregon as soon as he can once our little man arrives. I can't wait for them to meet, I know it will bring tears to my eyes.

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1 comment:

RonH said...

T that is special. I am going to print it out and send it to him.--Ron