Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11 - 7 years Later

September 11 is a hard day for my family and friends. We lost an amazing woman to this tragedy, Lisa Frost. I don't have a lot to say other than I am thinking of her today and my heart goes out to her family. It is hard to watch the news, listen to the radio or even go online without being reminded of this. Today I am focusing on my friends and family, focusing on being thankful that I have been given so many wonderful opportunities. I miss you Frosty, thanks for being my angel!

I also want to thank the firefighters, policemen, and civilians who gave their lives to save others that day. May they never be forgotten.
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1 comment:

Carol said...

Your Dad and I know this day was and is so difficult for you T and all her friends and family. I love the tribute you made to Lisa and I know that she knows you love and care about her. Her parents are so happy knowing that Lisa's friends remember her.